
Get license expiry date

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Hi All,

I am new to using WAPI 


I use the following API endpoint to get license expiry date 

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k1 -u userSmiley Tongueass -X GET,type,limit,kind,key,expiry_date,expirat...

 This does not get me the hostname or ip address of the device. Is there a way to get that using WAPI along with the license expiry date? This api is called in the grid master by the way


Thanks in advance!



Re: Get license expiry date

Posts: 321
1846     0

The information you're looking for is in different sub-objects unfortunately.


You can group calls together, into a multibody request like this.  But you will need to line up the data on your own.


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST 'https:///' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
    "args": {
    "method": "STATE:DISPLAY"
    "args": {
    "method": "STATE:DISPLAY"



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