
Looking to get a list of all authoriative domains and return all name and ipv4addr values

Posts: 12
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Can someone help me out with sending an API request to get all domains that are authoritative and then list out the following values:


Name of record

type of record

ipv4addr record


Is there also a way to pull down the csv file from the GUI via an API call?

Re: Looking to get a list of all authoriative domains and return all name and ipv4addr values

Posts: 321
1697     0

Here is an example for exporting all the authoritative zone objects (not records) from the view called "Internal DNS":

# Start the export job

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST \
'' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "_object":"zone_auth","view":"Internal DNS"}'

# returns:

    "token": "eJytjk0LgjAAhv+K7Jz7MpfzZlgQREEEHYe4pQN1Nmf0Qf89d6hrl67Pw/vxBOrWa3sXTrcKpAFh\nC0ZZkmAGMZ7TiPBZAEbbTArUzvVDihDhFBKWQA4Z8kxIbVXpxFk3SmiDrLoILcN8f9pt91keYkoi\nHJOIxpxzShOUja5+mE4NsByuYBqQhSuE6kojdVf5qeVm9+Wtkf4ZyLNjJg6r9Ud4hgZnbFEp5Nr+\nT1+09MW/cuD1BvjvXZI=\n", 
    "url": ""

# download file

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -H "Content-type:application/force-download" -O \

# and then close the file using the token

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "token": "eJytjk0LgjAAhv+K7Jz7MpfzZlgQREEEHYe4pQN1Nmf0Qf89d6hrl67Pw/vxBOrWa3sXTrcKpAFh\nC0ZZkmAGMZ7TiPBZAEbbTArUzvVDihDhFBKWQA4Z8kxIbVXpxFk3SmiDrLoILcN8f9pt91keYkoi\nHJOIxpxzShOUja5+mE4NsByuYBqQhSuE6kojdVf5qeVm9+Wtkf4ZyLNjJg6r9Ud4hgZnbFEp5Nr+\nT1+09MW/cuD1BvjvXZI=\n"}'


To export records, use the "allrecords" synthetic object type.  Note that a zone name is required.  View name is recommended, otherwise the default view is used.


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST \
'' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"_object":"allrecords", "zone":"", "view":"Internal DNS"}'

Then download, and close, the same way as above.

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