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Cannot perform any request on extensibleattributedef using _ref

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I'm having an issue when trying to perform requests on extensibleattributedef , whenever I use returned _ref i get a reference not found error.


Example (in python, but same issue using curl):

    url_base = "https://<infoblox_url>/wapi/v2.7"
credentials = ("username", "password")

# Network example ; OK res = requests.get("%s/network?_max_results=1" % url_base, auth=credentials, verify=False).json() print json.dumps(res, indent=4) res_ref = requests.get("%s/%s" % (url_base, res[0]["_ref"]), auth=credentials, verify=False).json() print json.dumps(res_ref, indent=4) # Extensible attribute example ; KO res = requests.get("%s/extensibleattributedef?_max_results=1" % url_base, auth=credentials, verify=False).json() # this works print json.dumps(res, indent=4) res_ref = requests.get("%s/%s" % (url_base, res[0]["_ref"]), auth=credentials, verify=False).json() # but this doesn't print json.dumps(res_ref, indent=4)


        "_ref": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuMjAuMTI3LjAvMjQvMA:",
        "network": "",
        "network_view": "default"
    "_ref": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuMjAuMTI3LjAvMjQvMA:",
    "network": "",
    "network_view": "default"
        "default_value": null,
        "_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLkJ1aWxkaW5n:Building",
        "type": "STRING",
        "name": "Building"
    "text": "Reference extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLkJ1aWxkaW5n:Building not found",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.NotFound",
    "Error": "AdmConDataNotFoundError: Reference extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLkJ1aWxkaW5n:Building not found"

Am I doing something wrong ? Performed this test for many infoblox object type, the issue only occurs on extensibleattributedef.


Re: Cannot perform any request on extensibleattributedef using _ref

Posts: 321
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You will want to update the extattrs, not the extensibleattributedef.  The extensibleattributedef is comparable to a schema definition, whereas the extattrs is the set of attrbute/value pairs for a network object.

Re: Cannot perform any request on extensibleattributedef using _ref

[ Edited ]
New Member
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But what if i want to update an extattr name from API ? I don't want to update the value of the extattr for a specific network but change the extattr property globally (this is possible from UI)


EDIT: and still, why is the get on extensibleattributedef using _ref not working ? Is it the desired behaviour ?

Re: Cannot perform any request on extensibleattributedef using _ref

Posts: 321
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This will give you a list of all the EA defs, along with their _ref:

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET ''

It returns this array in my lab grid.  Note the square brackets. It's abbreviated, the full list is pretty long.

        "_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLlZMQU4gTmFtZQ:VLAN%20Name",
        "default_value": null,
        "name": "VLAN Name",
        "type": "STRING"
        "_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLkRhdGEgQ2VudGVy:Data%20Center",
        "default_value": null,
        "name": "Data Center",
        "type": "ENUM"
        "_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLk5ldHdvcmsgVHlwZQ:Network%20Type",
        "default_value": null,
        "name": "Network Type",
        "type": "ENUM"

If I want just the one called "Data Center" I would do one of these, they both work the same. And note "%20" means space:

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET ''


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET '' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Data Center"}'

returns an array (note the square brackets) with one array element:

        "_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLkRhdGEgQ2VudGVy:Data%20Center",
        "default_value": null,
        "name": "Data Center",
        "type": "ENUM"

Now you have the EA's ref.  You can retrieve it directly:

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET ''

returns the same thing, but note that it's not in an array since we asked for a specific one:

    "_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLkRhdGEgQ2VudGVy:Data%20Center",
    "default_value": null,
    "name": "Data Center",
    "type": "ENUM"

Now I can try using the EA's ref URI to update the name, changing it to "Campus":

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X PUT '' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Campus"}'

I get this:


which is the new _ref for the EA.

If I search for the old name again:

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET '' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Data Center"}'

I get an empty array:


but searching for it with the new name:

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET '' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Campus"}'

gives me the updated EA:

        "_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLkNhbXB1cw:Campus",
        "default_value": null,
        "name": "Campus",
        "type": "ENUM"

Re: Cannot perform any request on extensibleattributedef using _ref

Posts: 321
7176     0

Here's the python code to retrieve the ref for the EA def, and update the name:


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests
import urllib3
import sys
import json

wapi_base = ""
auth = ("admin", "infoblox")
HEADERS = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}

ses = requests.session()

payload = {'name': 'Data Center'}

r = ses.get(wapi_base + 'extensibleattributedef', json=payload, auth=auth,
					headers=HEADERS, verify=False)	

response = r.json()
my_ref = response[0]["_ref"]

print (my_ref)
print ("")

payload = {'name': 'Campus'}

print (wapi_base + my_ref)
print (payload)

r = ses.put(wapi_base + my_ref, json=payload, auth=auth,
					headers=HEADERS, verify=False)	

response = r.json()
print (response)
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