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DNS zones seen by "csv_export/zone_auth" API call, but not by "allrecords" API call

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Hi, I am on the webserver exporting all the authoritative zone objects for a view, using the API call


/wapi/v2.12/fileop?_function=csv_export { "_object":"zone_auth","view":"default"}

Here are two records returned:

header-authzone : authzone
fqdn* :
zone_format* : FORWARD
allow_update : Any/ALLOW
create_underscore_zones : TRUE
disable_forwarding : FALSE
disabled : FALSE
enable_fixed_rrset_order : FALSE
is_multimaster : FALSE
zone_type : Authoritative
header-authzone : authzone
fqdn* :
zone_format* : FORWARD
allow_update : DDNS
create_underscore_zones : FALSE
disable_forwarding : TRUE
disabled : FALSE
enable_fixed_rrset_order : FALSE
is_multimaster : FALSE
zone_type : Authoritative

However, when I issue the API calls


I get the response

   "Error": "AdmConDataNotFoundError: Zone [subnet.] not found",
   "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.NotFound",
   "text": "Zone [subnet.] not found"

I see DNS entries through the UI (Infoblox Grid Manager 9.0.4), why won't the API reveal them?

Re: DNS zones seen by "csv_export/zone_auth" API call, but not by "allrecords" A

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I had to add "&view=default" to the URLs.


This was frustrating because on another Infoblox appliance, the "view" parameter was optional and here it's required.


I hope this helps someone else.

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