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Set "additional_ip_list" of member:dns via WAPI failed with error "expected single object, got 2"

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I have 2 grid members.

For both members, I configured anycast IP 




Then I call WAPI with the request below to add the IP to additional_ip_list


  "additional_ip_list": [""]

but got such an error


{ "Error": "AdmConDataError: expected single object, got 2", 
  "code": "Client.Ibap.Data", 
  "text": "expected single object, got 2"

After I remove one of the anycast IP or change one of them o, the problem disappear.


I think this should be a WAPI bug. 

Is there a workaround for this problem?

Re: Set "additional_ip_list" of member:dns via WAPI failed with error "expected sin

Posts: 181
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Could you please send the API call that you are using?


Meanwhile, this is the WAPI I use to add the anycast IP to a member.


curl -k -u admin:Infoblox -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT "" -d '{"additional_ip_list":[{"anycast":true,"interface":"LOOPBACK","ipv4_network_setting":{"subnet_mask": "","address": "","gateway":""}}]}'

Thanks and Regards,

Krishna Vasudevan

Re: Set "additional_ip_list" of member:dns via WAPI failed with error "expected sin

[ Edited ]
New Member
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my request is:


PUT https://${baseurl}/wapi/v2.9.1/member:dns/${memberId}

{ "additional_ip_list": [""] }


The anycast IP was pre-configured in the system.

What I want to do is to add/remove the IP.


I also tried your sample, and got such error response:


{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Invalid value for additional_ip_list: {\"interface\": \"LOOPBACK\", \"ipv4_network_setting\": {\"subnet_mask\": \"\", \"gateway\": \"\", \"address\": \"\"}, \"anycast\": true}: Must be string type", "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto", "text": "Invalid value for additional_ip_list: {\"interface\": \"LOOPBACK\", \"ipv4_network_setting\": {\"subnet_mask\": \"\", \"gateway\": \"\", \"address\": \"\"}, \"anycast\": true}: Must be string type" }

Re: Set "additional_ip_list" of member:dns via WAPI failed with error "expected sin

Posts: 181
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In my sample, i used the member object and not the member:dns object. Could you change that and check?


In member:dns, the additional_ip_list indicates the list of additional IP addresses on which DNS is enabled for a Grid member.


Re: Set "additional_ip_list" of member:dns via WAPI failed with error "expected sin

[ Edited ]
Not applicable
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Could you please send the API call that you are using?





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