
Generate custom issue in python

Posts: 8
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Hello, I followed the example from the "Getting started with 5 scripts' to generate a custom issue in python. After some minor modification, my script runs without error but the custom issue created doesn't contain the attributes (defined as string) Device, IPAddress, and Contact in the Custom Issue.Am I missing something?




import requests, json, re

from infoblox_netmri.easy import NetMRIEasy

# This values will be provided by NetMRI before execution

defaults = {
"api_url": api_url,
"http_username": http_username,
"http_password": http_password,
"job_id": job_id,
"device_id": device_id,
"batch_id": batch_id


# Create NetMRI context manager. It will close session after execution

with NetMRIEasy(**defaults) as easy:

    device = easy.get_device()
    easy.log_message('info', device_devicename)

    snmpcommand = easy.send_command('show run | incl contact')
    devicecontact = snmpcommand.strip("snmp-server contact ")

    issue_id = easy.generate_issue("NewDiscovery","Info",**{
        "Device": device_devicename,
        "IPAddress": device_deviceipdotted,
        "Contact": devicecontact,

        "device_id": device_id,
        "batch_id": batch_id

Re: Generate custom issue in python

Posts: 115
3604     0

Can you post a Screen Shot of your Custom Issue as well?

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Re: Generate custom issue in python

Posts: 8
3604     0

Sorry for the late reply. I was able to solve the problem. My confusion was due to the different "default" variables in python and NetMRIEasy.

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