
DNS/DHCP Data migration into BloxOne DDI

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Hi all, 


I'm trying to export the DNS and DHCP data from the existing Microsoft Server and get it imported into BloxOne DDI, is there any way like the DIW used for NIOS setup to be applied on the BloxOne DDI?


What is the recommended tool to do that? or I should rely only on the CSV Import/export on the cloud? Noting that the CSV format of the NIOS setup is different than the CSV format for B1DDI

Re: DNS/DHCP Data migration into BloxOne DDI

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We migrated all of our data from existing NIOS and Windows DNS servers to BloxOneDDI using the API and found it to be the easiest way to update/maintain configuration at scale.

There's a terraform/ansible/python module available for it, but I opted to develop a powershell module for it instead.

Re: DNS/DHCP Data migration into BloxOne DDI

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This message was deleted by mistake, I was able to recover the text but I am not sure who posted it. My apologies.   Here is the message:


AD DS and DNS are very tightly integrated - unless you have a good reason to do so, they should probably continue to live together. It is possible and supported to separate them, but that kind of setup is going to put you way outside the norm, which is not a fun place to be when AD goes to **bleep**. If you want AD-integrated zones (the recommendation), then you have to run DNS and ADDS together. Removing DNS from AD and deleting an AD-integrated zone is something I've never attempted and you'd have a long, uphill battle to convince me to try.

Re: DNS/DHCP Data migration into BloxOne DDI

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Dear Mat-c

Good day,
Could you help me with the Powershell module that you developed? please? it will be a great help.
I want to migrate the DNS data from Windows DNS servers to BloxOne DDI.

Re: DNS/DHCP Data migration into BloxOne DDI

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Were you able to find out how to migrate it? could you share if it was successful?

Re: DNS/DHCP Data migration into BloxOne DDI

Posts: 64
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The statement “If you want AD-integrated zones (the recommendation), then you have to run DNS and ADDS together” is objectively incorrect.

I have done migrations for many enterprises where authoritative DNS for Microsoft Active Directory domains was moved from Microsoft DNS to Infoblox NIOS. Once you know how it is done it is actually quite straightforward. I’ve never had an issue so far.

Microsoft bundle DNS for free with Active Directory because DNS is a dependency. Microsoft DNS does work for many companies but it lacks many of the advanced features that other DNS solutions provide and enterprises benefit from.

Common reasons for not migrating away from Microsoft DNS are

  • The misconception that you “have” to use Microsoft DNS if using Active Directory
  • Fear of the unknown and fear of change
  • Politics between the Microsoft Server team VS the network/platform/UNIX/ops team that manage DNS

Don’t migrate blindly but it is absolutely fine to move Microsoft AD DNS to another DNS vendor. You will get better reporting, better management, better feature set, better visibility and control of traffic and (assuming you have a correctly architected solution) better resiliency and reliability.


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