
Change Grid Master and Master Condidate IPs

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Hi Team,


We are in process of migrating our extern DNS  (2 servers ;  Master Grid and Master condidate ) to new DMZ zone, we will change the vlan and ips. there are 2 other intern DNS using the extern DNSs as forwarders so we will need to change those forwarders.

Many zones/subzones are using the extern DNS IP in the intern DNS.

We are planning to migrate using the steps below : 

1/Seperate Master Condidate from the grid

2/Migrate this seperated server 

3/ add the new Ip (of the migrated server) to forwarders in the intern DNS fo all zones and subzones. 

4/ Migrate the Grid Master 

5/add in the intern DNS the Second Server Migrated

6/rejoin the server to the grid master.


Any advise is Welcome for this migration, Do you recommend other action Plan ? 











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