
Error with CSV Importing

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Hello, I am writing today with a question about csv importing. My company is currently doing a migration to the cloud, which involves many many servers. In order to try and save time, we would like to automate some of the process. In particular, we would like to import a csv script to create new A records, delete old A records, delete old ptr records, and create new PTR records. When first attempted this, it created the new A record, deleted the old A record, which is exactly what we wanted. The issue came with the PTR records. The old PTR records weren't removed, and the new PTR records were not created. In order for this to work as we intended, it must do both. Here is the file we used, with some information omitted.

header-arecordaddress*_new_addressfqdn*_new_fqdncommentcreate_ptrdisabledttlview  TRUEFALSE Internal

Re: Error with CSV Importing

New Member
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Hello my name is Terrance and my company is standing up  a DR site in AWS.  I need the excel for format importing records in Infoblox.  Do have any excel sample format for import that you can share for:

1. Deleting A records and the PRT record

2. Creating A records and PRT records

3. Creating new CNames records

4. Modifing current CNames records



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