
GSS-TSIG: Client DDNS update fails, key not found

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This worked fine until I needed to reinstall lab windows servers and now I just cannot get it to work at all..


Any idea what to check?

NIOS 9.0.5, Windows 2019 Server


Why am I getting key not found when clearly there is keytab file present?


GSS-TSIG authentication failed for (DNS/ddi01.lab.local@LAB.LOCAL, kvno 5, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96): key not found


Infoblox > show dns_gss_tsig keytab
Vno Type Principal Aliases
5 aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 DNS/ddi01.lab.local@LAB.LOCAL


Any help appreciated!



Re: GSS-TSIG: Client DDNS update fails, key not found

Posts: 64
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You didn't explicily call this out - when you re-did your Microsoft lab, you completly regenerated the Keytab file for NIOS from scratch?

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