
How to mass inherit EA?

[ Edited ]
Posts: 8
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I have EA set on the network but inside the network container, the EAs aren't inherited. 




I know how to change them one by one per network. However, I need to inherit the EAs from hundreds of network to the decendants. Is there a way I can do inheritance for all the network at once?

Re: How to mass inherit EA?

Posts: 8
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You can configure general inheritance for each individual EA.


In Administration > Extensible Attributes edit the properties of any given EA and enable the ckeckbox "Enable Inheritance" under "Additional Properties"


In the Grid Properties editor you'll also have a dedicated section "Extensible Attribute Inheritance" to configure the exact bahaviour when adding/deleting EAs that have inheritance enabled.



Re: How to mass inherit EA?

[ Edited ]
Posts: 8
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I know but this does not affect existing setup. I am looking for a solution which can be applied to multiple network at once.

Re: How to mass inherit EA?

Posts: 8
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In that case you'll probably have to either do a CSV export/import to change the config value of network containers, or use the API to do the same.

Re: How to mass inherit EA?

Posts: 8
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Do you know the config value to use for CSV export/import? Existing is OVERRIDE. I changed it to INHERIT but it returns error.

Re: How to mass inherit EA?

Posts: 8
7058     0

No, I don't. But you could check the value of a conatiner that is already confgured correctly and just cut+paste that config to all other containers.


You can also check the CSV Import Reference for more details:

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