
Microsoft AD / DNS with Infoblox

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Hi Techies,


I am trying to intergrate MicrosoFt AD/DNS+DHCP with Infoblox in lab and having below mentioned error in  microsoft logs.


MSLDAP: ldap_set_option(ldap_conn, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX, (void*)&val) failed: 'Can't contact LDAP server' (0xffffffff).


I don't know configuraton about LDAP server infoblox  however i have tried to do so, may be some configuration error in my Windows server or ldap conf,  Please look into it and  comment the possible solutions to overcome these errors..






Re: Microsoft AD / DNS with Infoblox

Posts: 72
3678     0

Hi Vikas,

To be honest, I am seeing this error for the 1st time but it is related SITES and SUBNETS sync and not DNS/DHCP sync. Additionally it sounds like a Refused LDAP connection.

1. What Windows server version are you on? 

2. Are you using plain LDAP connections for SITES sync or SSL encrypted?

3. I wonder if this may have anything to do with Enabling LDAP Channel Binding and LDAP Signing . So do you know whether Channel binding and signing for ldap connections has recently been enabled in your MS environment?

4. Has this ever worked for you before and depending on your configuration, do you have 389 and 636 udp and tcp ports open between MS and IB?

5. Could you please post a complete screenshot of the test connection output?


Best Regards,

Bibin Thomas

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