
API for extracting the last discovered column for all IP Addresses

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I want to retireve the last discovered column that appears under the UI

Data Management > IPAM >IPAM Home > List


Which API can be used to bring the IP address along with their respective last discovered dates.





Re: API for extracting the last discovered column for all IP Addresses

Posts: 20
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i need the same where we put in alot of switches / routers for discovery. but then, we are not able to extract all list of ip addresses discovered under those switch/routers. 


anyone can advise? 

Re: API for extracting the last discovered column for all IP Addresses

Posts: 181
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You can try the following command:

 curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.10/ipv4address?network=

This lists all the IP addresses in the subnet along with the Last Discovered infomartion.


Hope this is helpful,

Krishna Vasudevan

Re: API for extracting the last discovered column for all IP Addresses

New Member
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Hi everyone,


  I exported all ipv4address to json format show the Last discovered ="1593748629"  What does it mean about "1593748629"





Re: API for extracting the last discovered column for all IP Addresses

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That call returns a date in unix epoch form ( seconds passed since 1/1/1970 ) : the number you reported is 

GMT: Friday 3 July 2020 03:57:09


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