
Filter extattrs issue

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I'm trying to find a specific extattrs called "Sub: Location" in the object network.



"extattrs": {

"Sub: Location": {
"value": "Test"


curl -k -u username -X GET "https://url/wapi/v2.11/network?_return_fields%20=extattrs&*Location~:=Test"

It gives me this error:
{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Illegal option modifier : _return_fields =extattrs",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
"text": "Illegal option modifier : _return_fields =extattrs"


How can I fix this?


Thank you,

Re: Filter extattrs issue

Posts: 321
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The space is definately special and must be escaped, and the colon is special enough that I'd want to escape it too.


A regex can only be used against values, not the names of EAs. We can search for networks that have any value (period is the wildcard) in the "Sub: Location: EA.

Try it like this.


curl -k -u username -X GET "https://url/wapi/v2.11/network?_return_fields%2b=extattrs&*Sub%3a%20Location~=."

And a response looks like this:


        "_ref": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTcyLjE2LjEwNC4wLzI0LzA:", 
        "comment": "Honolulu Datacenter", 
        "extattrs": {
            "Data Center": {
                "value": "Honolulu"
            "Network Type": {
                "value": "Data Center"
            "Sub: Location": {
                "value": "Test"
        "network": "", 
        "network_view": "default"

Re: Filter extattrs issue

New Member
Posts: 2
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Thank you Richard, that have solve my issue!

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