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API Examples


Searching for record 'Audit History" information like timestamp, action, message via WAPI

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Hi Infoblox,


I am using Ruby (httparty gem) to communicate with Infoblox WAPI. Trying to get a list of all hosts in specific VLAN and would like to get 'Audit History' info.


Please help...



Re: Searching for record 'Audit History" information like timestamp, action, message via WAPI

Posts: 321
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The Audit details are available in the Audit Log which is a separate file.  It is available through WAPI but you would need to pull that file and search through it separately.  It's a three part operation, first we generate and get a link to the downloadable file.  This example downloads it but you would want to ingest it in your script instead:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST \
'' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"member": "","node_type": "ACTIVE","log_type": "AUDITLOG"}'

This is what the response looks like:

{  "token": "eJylUEFuwyAQ...",
    "url": "" }

Downloading the file:

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -H "Content-type:application/force-download" -O \
And then close the file using the token from the first query:
 curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "token": "eJylUEFuwyAQ..."}'




Discovery data is available for IP addresses, the data is stored on the host ip address sub-objects (not the host object).


for example:

curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET '' -d 'ipv4addr='
here’s the response:
        "_ref": "record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuX2RlZmF1bHQubmV0d29yay5yaWNoYXJkLnByaW50ZXIuMTAuOS4xNi41Lg:",
        "configure_for_dhcp": false,
        "discovered_data": {
            "device_type": "Printer",
            "device_vendor": "HP",
            "discovered_name": "NPI1A2B3C",
            "discoverer": "Network Insight",
            "first_discovered": 1475162675,
            "last_discovered": 1506910079,
            "mac_address": "00:0e:7f:1a:2b:3c",
            "mgmt_ip_address": "",
            "netbios_name": "NPI1A2B3C      ",
            "open_ports": "TCP:21,23,80,443,515,9100 UDP:",
            "os": "29.20",
            "port_speed": "Unknown"
        "host": "",
        "ipv4addr": ""

Re: Searching for record 'Audit History" information like timestamp, action, message via WAPI

New Member
Posts: 2
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Thanks for your respond Richard, I really appreciate it.


What I am looking is Audit History, where I can get info from:




Object type;

Object Name;

Admin name;



Is that possible via WAPI?



Re: Searching for record 'Audit History" information like timestamp, action, message via WAPI

Posts: 321
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Sorry no, the audit history is not available for individual objects.   It's only available as a file you can download.

Re: Searching for record 'Audit History" information like timestamp, action, message via WAPI

New Member
Posts: 1
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Hey Richard, Can we filter the logs based on timestamp (like last 1 Days) while generating the audit file using API? 

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