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Create the IP Address /ipam/address

[ Edited ]
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According to /api/ddi/v1 /ipam/address Create the IP address documentation I should be able to create a new ip address in a designated space.  Below is the body of the Post

    "comment""Test Creation",
    "names": [
            "name""Test Name",
            "type""Test Type"
    "tags": {
        "Owner""NDY.COM Admin",

 This is the error message returned.

    "error": [
            "message""No existing Subnet to contain IP Address"
Looking for help!

Re: Create the IP Address /ipam/address

New Member
Posts: 2
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I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong.  I had to find a defined subnet and use an IP within that range in order to create a new entry.  

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