
Which API call to get Config Explorer "Last Checked" Timestamp.

Posts: 11
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Does anyone know which API call contains the Config Explorer "Last Checked" Timestamp?

For what it is worth, we have a vendor trying integrate using the NetMRI API to grab configurations and they want that timestamp for some reason.  I don't believe it is useful at all for what they need, but whatever.  I figure this is a better route to take before I waste time on a support call about it.



Re: Which API call to get Config Explorer "Last Checked" Timestamp.

Posts: 11
3267     0

If anyone find they need this, you can get it from Infrastructure Devices.






    "total": 1,

    "start": 0,

    "limit": 1000,

    "current": 1,

    "infra_devices": [


            "DeviceID": "21595513881331969",

            "DeviceIPDotted": "",

            "DeviceConfigLastCheckedTime": "2020-03-26 08:27:36",

            "_class": "InfraDevice"




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