
Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

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I am configuring new Infoblox grid and it was working fine. I added Mgmt Interface IP addresses to grid master and now I am not able to open the site. Please guide me.


I am able to access both the devices.


Thanks and Regards


Re: Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

Posts: 63
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Are you attempting to connect to the new management IP address that was configured?  When a MGMT port is used, MGMT traffic is moved to that port.  Grid communication can also be moved to MGMT port separately.  Can you SSH to the MGMT IP?

Re: Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

New Member
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I am not able to SSH to MGMT port. how can I change this setting?

Re: Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

Posts: 63
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If you cannot access the HTTPS GUI or CLI via SSH, you will have to configure the device via the serial console.

Re: Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

Posts: 63
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Oh, and if the Infoblox appliance is virtual, you can use the console in your hypervisor (ESX, Hyper-V, etc.).

Re: Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

New Member
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I am able to access the device using CLI with LAN1 IP address, VIP and HA IP, everything is working fine but not able to access the GUI. what configuration I have to do to access GUI.

Re: Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

Posts: 109
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In the CLI, use the command "set remote_console" and follow the prompts to enable it. This will enable SSH access to your appliance and once enabled, you can test your connections to each interface. First start with your LAN1/VIP address. Once you confirm that works, try connecting to the MGMT IP.


If that fails, make sure there are no network issues and that nothing is blocking your connections to the MGMT interface. Keep in mind that SSH uses port 22 and HTTTPS uses 443. If SSH to the MGMT IP works, then make sure you are connecting to the GUI using the MGMT IP prefixed with https (a common oversight).




If you wish to disable the MGMT interface and start over, you can do that through the CLI.



Infoblox > set interface mgmt
Enable Management port? (y or n): n
Disable mamangement port? (y or n): y


   Management port has been disabled






Re: Grid URL not opening after adding mgmt IP address

Posts: 12
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In my case, https stopped to work when I restore de grid, after your advice I remove the management interface and I was able to access the grid again


Infoblox > set interface mgmt
Enable Management port? (y or n): n
Disable mamangement port? (y or n): y


Thank you.

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