
Help changing NOIS Appliance IP addresses

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I have been tasked with changing the IP addresses of our two primary NOIS appliances. These appliances run DNS, DHCP, and NTP services. Has anyone ever done this?

In theory, I believe it will work as long as we update the primary and secondary DNS servers on all our servers, update the helper addresses on all our networking equipment, and update the addresses for the appliances in our grid. However, the whole thing makes me nervous. Does anyone have experience with this?


Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Help changing NOIS Appliance IP addresses

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Yes a re-ip of DDI servers can be nerve wracking, but with good preparations you can do it during business hours without anyone even noticing. 


What type of setup is this; one HA pair, two HA pairs or two single servers?

If two single servers are they using separate interfaces for DNS/DHCP, Lan1/Lan2?

Do you use DHCP failover or split scope, if split scope is usage well below 50% utilization? 

Is this a re-ip only or also a physical move between racks or DC's? 

Only DHCP clients, or are there also those with static ip's? 


Re: Help changing NOIS Appliance IP addresses

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Hello, Thank you for the response.


I currently have 3 appliances all virtual in 2 environments, one in VMC and the other still on-prem. I am looking to move the 2 on-prem to VMC as we are decomissioning the on-prem datacenter. 


One of these appliances is the grid master. DNS and DHCP are both configured on LAN1. We use DHCP failover. We do have static IPs configured for our server vlan but a majority is DHCP clients. I have a script ready to change the primary DNS server for the server vlan and ansible workbooks ready to change helper addresses on all the networking equipment. 


Re: Help changing NOIS Appliance IP addresses

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I did some testing in our lab envionement. I was able to change the IP of the grid master via the gui by going to grid, members, editing the grid master and changing the IP address of all interfaces. After this I moved the NICs to the new network and manually updated the DNS entry for the appliance. This seems to have worked without any issues.

I did run into some issues with the seconday appliance. I followed the same procedure but the IPs did not change on the second appliance. I then disjoined that appliance from the grid via the cli, used the set network command to change the IP, and attempted to rejoin to the grid but was able to rejoin. I am going to give it another try today and see if I am successful. 

Re: Help changing NOIS Appliance IP addresses

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I was able to complete this in our testing environment. 


All I had to do was go to the grid master, go to Grid > members > edit the grid master appliance > go to networks > update the data and mgmt network settings > click save. After saving it looks like services restart, if you are watching the CLI you can see the services go down then back up with the new IP. Once it was up on the new IP I changed the interfaces to be on the new networks.  From there I signed back into the master and manaully updates some DNS records pointing to the old IP address. I then followed this same procedure on the second appliance. It came up, ran some tests and everything was good. 

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