
NIOS/Reporting Admin Groups permissions

Posts: 14
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im just facing issue when i can not see all admin groups that are created in NIOS also in Reporting, so admins in these groups can not access reporting tab.
I got some info that it could be aslo due to characters/lowercases, spaces in naming etc. But in another deploy of Infolbox i can see this shouldn be an issue.
I also tried to create new admin groups in Infolbox but still can not see them in reporting.

So my question do you have please experience with this? or what exactly matter when want to create or force sync of admin groups from NIOS to reporting?

ad. the groups with prefix TEST_ was created for testing purposes but even after an hourd they are not visiblne in reporting permissions

Thank you

Re: NIOS/Reporting Admin Groups permissions

Posts: 14
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Dont know exactly what happend but because of another issues in vcenter we had to redeploy whole reporting and the groups now appered

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