
Reporting Stats for DHCP Member

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We are trying to generate a report for DHCP stats specific to each members but none of the predefined reports or dashboard is generating member speciifc data instead we get for each subnet, range and LPS status without member associate. 


Any way we can generate such DHCP stats report for member specific ?

Re: Reporting Stats for DHCP Member

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Infoblox NIOS version is 8.6.2

Re: Reporting Stats for DHCP Member

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Posts: 3
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You can open the report asd a search. While in the search change it to Verbose mode and inspect an event. Usually the value to filter on a member would be orig_host="member1.fake.local" (not always so check). In that same event viewer youn can actually click the orig_host statement and choose "add to search". That should give you the "per server" syntax, and then you can save that search back to a report you name specific for that member.... Hope that helps

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